![Happy Cat](https://i0.wp.com/www.twowornshoes.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/funny-cat.png?resize=200%2C200)
I admit it, after maybe a dozen articles, I lost any sort of momentum I had with this site – probably fell down the rabbit hole of funny cat pictures and never recovered!
In reality though, it was due to the overwhelming feeling that I was just rehashing what others were already writing. You know, there are so many far better writers than I could ever be! So many more well researched and dedicated bloggers out there who have funny, information rich sites. I just felt overwhelmed by what I had to do just to be noticed.
And, admittedly, I’m also lazy.
I still plan on gradually sharing all the research that I’ve collected over the years with the tour-guiding I did through Europe. Perhaps this resource will help other would-be tour guides. I’m not sure how long that will take as I have reams of pages that are in no particular order. To sieve through it, edit it all and put it into some form of logical hierachy is going to take a bucket load of time. I promise though, it’ll happen gradually.
Other than that, the site will still live, but in a new form. Its more about my thoughts and experiences as I travel through life. Its a way for me to stay in touch with friends and family who are based all over the world these days.
To start with, lets call it reboot 2.0, my first post will be about my plans for this year. So without further ado, I bring you 2018, The Year of Learning!